
September 7, 2022

Women Gambling on the Rise in Mobile Betting

Tendai Moyo
Written byTendai MoyoWriter

According to 2017 research by the UKGC, 44% of women had gambled in one way or another compared to 53% of men. Also, Global Wireless Solutions revealed that 4.6 million women installed sports betting apps in the US in 2021. 

Women Gambling on the Rise in Mobile Betting

Now the numbers above mean that women's gambling is becoming commonplace. So, why do women gamble, and what mobile casino games do they prefer to play? This short text answers these questions and many more. 

History of Women and Gambling

Gambling among the female gender might sound like a modern idea. But surprisingly, history shows that women have been gambling for as long as men have been doing the same. History reveals that both men and women enjoyed gambling sessions as early as the 17th century. Back then, six-sided dice games were trendy. 

In Rome, women were allowed to gamble during the Bona Dea festival. This festival was held to commemorate the Roman goddess Bona Dea, and only women could take part in this celebration. But around 37 AD, the social rules became less strict, with women freely engaging in public sports and leisure. 

Recently, the world has seen more women claim their space in the gambling scene. A good example is Kristen Bicknell, the third-highest poker earner, raking in $5 million from the game so far. Another name is Vanessa Selbst, the number one female poker earner with a stunning $12 million fortune from the game. So, women's gambling is here to stay.

Female-dominated Mobile Casino Games

Believe it or not, some games generally attract more females than males. There is a long-standing belief that women prefer playing luck-based games and enjoy every aspect of the game. On the other hand, their male counterparts may want to prove their competence in skill-based games like poker and blackjack. 

You still don’t believe it? Several studies reveal that women prefer playing games with less thinking and concentration. That’s because most women play in groups and avoid strategy-based games that limit their shared experience. Also, luck-based games require less time to play than poker, which can drag out for hours. And, of course, slots, bingo, and keno have bigger payouts. 

Why do Women Gamble Online?

The modern trend of women gambling is no fluke. The study shows that women are quickly catching up with men regarding everything, including gambling. So, what are some of the reasons why women gamble?

For starters, a UKGC report reveals that most women gamble to win. Conversely, their male counterparts gamble for fun. That’s probably because women are more prudent in spending than men, who don’t fear losses. 

Also, the numbers prove that more women are smartphone owners these days. According to a 2019 research by Statista, 51% of iPhone users are females. This means women are likely to install gaming apps as more of them continue purchasing smartphones. 

Problem Gambling with Women and Men

Interestingly, studies reveal that men and women react differently to problem gambling and losses. Australian research sampled 507 women in New South Wales and Victoria. The revelation is that women who get bored are at higher risk of problem gambling symptoms. The study also backs up the UKGC findings that women prefer games of chance like bingo and keno. 

But how do women react to losses at the casino? Research by the University of Adelaide reveals that women are likelier to show distress symptoms like crying and frowning after a losing streak. Conversely, men resort to anger and throwing tantrums when things aren’t going their way. Some men can even turn violent against a gaming machine or casino employee.

Australian Gambling Research Center manager, Anna Thomas, says both genders show specific behaviors after registering extended losses. She noted that female patrons could neglect their personal grooming and show signs of distress. For males, they may resort to aggression and ask for loans to chase losses. 

Women Play More on Phones

To wrap up this discussion, a study by Optimove reveals that 59% of women gamble on their smartphones compared to 52% of men. The research also adds that women make gambling deposits 32 times per year compared to 19 times for men. However, the average amount of their deposits is €38.76 compared to €54.14 for men. 

So overall, it’s safe to say that technology has generated the perfect gaming avenue for women. Many casino floors are still dominated by men, which might make most women uncomfortable. But with mobile casinos, these women can gamble at their convenience and in privacy. Studies confirm that 40% of today’s online gambling customers are women. Now that’s huge!

About the author
Tendai Moyo
Tendai Moyo

Tendai Moyo, a spirited Zimbabwean linguist, combines her rich cultural heritage with an astute understanding of gaming. As a master in English content localization, she tailors online casino guides to the pulse and preferences of Zimbabwean enthusiasts.

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